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Corporate Training & Workshop

With the increasingly competitive workplace, paired with advancements in technology and processes, the need for people development has never been higher.

As such, YK is dedicated towards fulfilling this need through a variety of trainings and workshops applicable across industries, because we understand that competence is an essential aspect of high-performance organizations that are agile and self developing.

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We believe in bringing out long term desired behavioral changes based on proven cases that sustained behavioral changes can also be linked to significant business benefits.

Outline client concerns and identify areas for improvement after discussion with relevant stakeholders

Design Customized Training Module

Conduct Training Sessions

Conduct Executive Coaching sessions

Conduct Follow Up sessions


Training Methodology

We believe that  training should be a collaborative process. Our training methodology is designed to be engaging, interactive, and practical, ensuring that your team will walk away with the knowledge and confidence they need to succeed.

Equip participants with an expanded mindset

Learn theory, knowledge, and how to apply real skills

Using exercises to practice skills that have been learned

Emphasizes the importance of building habits to implement
new skills


Activity & Practical Exercises


Case Studies & Discussion


Concept & Theories


What we Bring to the table


Strategic Ecosystem Mapping and Management

Pemahaman mengenai kebutuhan dan behavior konsumen yang bervariasi sehingga mampu memberikan produk, servis, dan pendekatan yang tepat.


Growth Team OKRs -Objective Key Results

Pemahaman mengenai definisi OKRs, benefitnya terhadap perusahaan, serta cara yang tepat untuk mengimplementasikan OKRs di setiap unit bisnis.


Be A (Communications) Star

Pelajari tentang pentingnya komunikasi, menangani konflik, dan membangun hubungan interpersonal antar personalities yang berbeda-beda.


Agile Culture & Execution

Agile Culture & Execution (ACE) memberikanperspektifbarukepada para karyawandalam bekerjadan berinovasi, menggunakanpemikiranyang berpusatpada manusia(empati) serta mengeksekusinya dengan agility.


Towards Impactful Presentations

Belajar untuk mempersiapkan, mengembangkan dan menyampaikan presentasi efektif yang berkaitan dengan berbicara di depan umum, visualisasi & kepercayaan diri.


Discovering Creative Confidence & Problem Solving (Lego)

Bantu team Anda untuk terjundalam kreativitas untuk pemecahan masalah, dan kepercayaandiri untuk menerapkan problem setiap hari dalam konteks yang berbeda.

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Get Our Credential

YK Consulting is equipped with a wide range of capabilities and experience. To get to know our full of consulting service, please download our profile or get in touch with us.


What we Bring to the table


Corporate Strategy & Development

Developing practical business strategies that deliver sustainable business growth. With a focus on long-term planning, we'll work with you every step of the way to help you achieve your business goals.


Operation & Transformation

Building agile and lean operations to create business effectiveness and efficiency. Create processes that are oriented to value-creating activities as opposed to administrative busywork.


Digital Strategy

Our Digital Strategy consulting service provides you with a roadmap for growth and a competitive edge. We work with you to analyze data and trends, develop a customized plan, and provide ongoing support to ensure your business stays ahead of the curve.


People & Organization

Creating agile organizations and talents to create innovative solutions in line with rapid business change. From mobility solutions to managing processes, create empowered talents across your organization.


Culture & Change Management

Helping the company to prepare and support individuals to successfully adopt change in order to drive organizational success and outcomes.


Financial Advisory

Working together with your teams to assess financial situations, define clear targets, and design financing solutions in accordance with your risk/return appetites.

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