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Visualizing Presentation Content: Programmed to Read Faster than to Listen (Part 3 of 4)

Have you ever been in the middle of a presentation, and as you talk, people are instead paying more attention to your slide behind you instead of you? Well there's a pretty simple explanation to that: As human beings, we are programed to read faster than listen.

The Great Public Speaking Myth: Speakers are Born, Not Made (Part 2 of 4)

You may believe that the content of your speeches and presentations—what you think of as your message—creates the influence you’re aiming for. But the truth is, you’re the one who’s doing that. And the reason is simple: you are the message.

What Goes into Great Presentations: Public Speaking, Visualizations and Confidence! (Part 1 of 4)


Presentations come in all forms, be it meetings, sales pitches, or simply asking your friends to go watch the newest movie. We all hope for different outcomes in these encounters. Support from your colleagues and boss for the latest project, a client purchasing your services, or your friends being convinced enough to go to the cinemas.

Practice, Practice, Practice: The only real way to improve your Presentations

Design, Creative, Business, Training

Depending on who you ask, there are a thousand different conflicting tips on how to deliver a presentation. So instead of a list of "To-Dos and Do-Nots", we believe the perfect presentation involves converging the science of analytics and the art of creativity, customized to your personality. If you have jokes, tell them; if you have compelling data, show it!

Time to take action: Management Buzzwords?

Design, Business

Throughout the past years and numerous discussions and meetings with clients, we've discovered terms like "digital, agile, human-centered, design thinking" coming up more and more. Oftentimes, they are used in context of a way to describe the way start-up companies work, utilizing the strength of the internet or simply automating processes in the company. The most common of which is this: "making everything online"..

Latihan, Latihan, Latihan: Menciptakan Percaya Diri


Latihan adalah satu-satunya cara untuk mengalahkan sindrom "Death by PowerPoint"

Visualisasikan Presentasi Anda: Terprogram untuk Membaca lebih Cepat dibanding menulis

Creative, Training

Manusia diprogram untuk membaca lebih cepat daripada mendengar.

Mitos Public Speaking: Speakers are Born, Not Made (Part 2 of 4)


Seperti yang didiskusikan pada post pertama, public speaking adalah bagian penting dari presentasi Anda. Tanggung jawab Anda sebagai seorang presenter adalah memanfaatkan suara yang ada di dalam diri Anda untuk menciptakan call to action (tindakan). Untuk memberikan konteks pada topik ini, lihatlah Steve Jobs:

Membuat Presentasi Luar Biasa: Public Speaking, Visualisasi dan Kepercayaan Diri! (Part 1 of 4)



Presentasi datang dalam berbagai format dan kesempatan - meeting, berjualan, atau bahkan saat mengajak teman menonton film terbaru di bioskop. Kita semua mengharapkan hasil yang positif dari berbagai interaksi ini. Dukungan dari atasan untuk strategi yang diajukan, persetujuan dari klien, atau keberhasilan meyakinkan kawan untuk nonton di bioskop!

Dive in the Fire Within


How often do we talk about the virtue of hard work? Our parents, our friends, our boss talk about it. But how often do we actually work hard?

Visualizing Presentation Content: Programmed to Read Faster than to Listen (Part 3 of 4)

Have you ever been in the middle of a presentation, and as you talk, people are instead paying more attention to your slide behind you instead of you? Well there's a pretty simple explanation to that: As human beings, we are programed to read faster than listen.

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